Nurselifern Update

Thank you for being an ongoing part of the Nurselifern Community. Ebi built this amazing community and we are forever grateful for everything he did. He knew the importance of the Nurselifern and wouldn’t want it to go away. Although It will never be the same without Ebi, Layifa and I understand what Nurselifern brings to the nursing community, and are proud to do our best to continue his legacy. So don’t Worry Nurselifern isn’t going anywhere! The plants still need watering! One of the things we are excited about is the Non-profit we are working on in his name. He was also working on a lot of projects for the nursing community, which we are continuing to work on and we’ll share more about those at a later time. 
      But who is Layifa you say? Layifa (LIFE- AH) is Ebi’s older brother. They have always been very close, and he moved in with Ebi following Ebi’s diagnosis. He worked alongside Ebi and I, and has a background in project management and Political Science. There is no better person than Layifa to ensure that everything Nurselifern does for the community aligns with what Ebi would want.

Ebi’s Remembrance Merch

When creating the remembrance merch, we took some time to think about what would best represent Ebi and the things he stood for. He was the Per Diem Papi, Plant Daddy- the one who watered this community. He often spoke about advocating for nurses, and encouraging nurses to advocate for themselves, reminding each of us that “ You are the Plant”. I am really happy with how the remembrance merch represents Ebi, and I am excited for you to see it! All proceeds from the pre-orders will go towards the Non-profit we are currently organizing in Ebi’s name. 
        We are doing these as a pre-order (because they are being made per order, instead of us having a certain amount of inventory- and selling out of items) We wanted to make a variety of pieces so that everyone in the diverse community would have something that resonated with who Ebi was to them. Pre-Orders will be open Sept 6- Sept 20th. The Products will then be ordered and produced, so it will take 6-8 weeks (from Sept 20th) before we will be shipping them out. And we will do our best to keep you updated on the status of the orders 🙂

Oscar Update

Oscar is doing really well. He loves living with Layifa, who now cares for him. He is happy, healthy and enjoys hiking. And yes, he still gets his Fiji Water.  

Thank you,
Emily and Layifa at Nurselifern

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