
A quick update from Ebi

Hey everyone, this episode is just a quick update. Thanks for all the love and support (both emotional and financial) over the last couple of weeks. It’s meant the world to me and everyone involved with Nurselifern/Nursespeak. Ebi- Thanks to Brandon Slavinski our multimedia extraordinaire.

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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

On this weeks episode of NurseSpeak, Ebi shares nurse’s stories of sexual harassment and discusses them with guests. This weeks guests are; Katie Duke (find her on instagram @thekatieduke) Sharon (find her on instagram @clatchetnurse) Special thanks to Emily my producer/co host/50 other jobs and

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Workplace Relationships Part 2

On this episode of NurseSpeak, Ebi and guests sit down to discuss stories sent in by nurses about the perils of work place dating. This weeks guests are; -Sheena (find her on instagram @Keepingitkinky) -Valentine (find him on instagram @valewudo) Special thanks to Emily my

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Workplace Relationships

Ebi and guests sit down to discuss stories sent in by nurses about the perils of work place dating. This weeks guests are; -Sheena (find her on instagram @Keepingitkinky) -Valentine (find him on instagram @valewudo) Special thanks to Emily my producer/co host/50 other jobs and

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The BALAsode- Her foot first

On this special episode of the NurseSpeak podcast we are talking shoes! Ebi sits down with Caprice Neely, one of the top shoe designers in the world and Zach Smith a founding member of the NurseGrid app to introduce the BALA Twelves and why your

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Bonus Stories

This Bonus Episode of the NurseSpeak Podcast we bring you more stories of regrettable things nurses have said to patients. Special thanks to our sound guy- and Guest – Brandon! Find him at @calistory Brandonslavinski.com And as always, Emily my Assistant/Manager And thanks to you,

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That Came Out Wrong…

On the final episode of season 1 of NurseSpeak, we bring you stories of nurses sharing the worst things they have said to patients. Stay tuned to the end to hear Ebi’s impromptu Tik Tok rant. Special Thanks to this weeks guests; Luis, IG @thetraumaguy

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Worst Mistakes Part 2

This week we continue to share more of nurses worst mistakes at bedside. Special Thanks to this weeks guests; Woody and Arturo And as always, Emily my Assistant/Manager And to Brandon! Our multimedia specialist. Find him at @calistory Brandonslavinski.com Thanks for listening. If you would

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